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Deep Listening is a method to enhance creativity, wellness, and community using sound meditation exercises, movement, qi-gong, and dreaming. It was developed by electronic composer Pauline Oliveros at UC San Diego in the 1970s and expanded throughout the years. I combine this technique with vowel vocalization and Viewpoints, a choreographic technique developed by Mary Overlie, Tina Landau, and Anne Bogart at Columbia University. For more information on the Center for Deep Listening. Certified in January 2025, I’ve implemented these workshops in Mexico and California.

Papericity in duos

Viewpoints 01:20:20

Heart Chant

Zina’s Circle

Global/Local listening

Opening question: What sound is home to you?
Qi-gong exercises
5 cardinal directions
Dream duos
Viewpoints circle
Zina’s circle
Heart Chant
Closing circle: We are together like (use an analogy)…