I organized a Transmedia evening at Roulette during Asian Art Week, New York City in 2018. Artists working in music, video, dance and new digital instruments presented national premiers including: Iconoclashgiftsfeld or the ambiguity of images in a poison field, ‘Chasers’– Yojima versus Per un pugno di dollari /Fistfull of Dollars (dir. Angie Eng), Myogram (dir. Atau Tanaka) and Thicket Specter (Sean Winters).
Eng’s videobass band, ‘Chasers’, a trio with Atau Tanaka and Akio Mokuno, who play a cross-cultural study of film remakes. In Iconoclashgiftsfeld, Eng along with Japanese composer and music producer, Hoppy Kamiyama and the Butoh-trained dancer Celeste Hastings, offer an intermedia parody of the global crisis in identity via monument destruction. The performance is also accompanied by an installation of a tourist gift shop highlighting modern iconoclasm. Colorado-based composer and video artist Sean Winters joins downtown improv darlings, Zeena Parkins and Ikue Mori in an abstract audiovisual journey. The international composer and music researcher, Atau Tanaka will present a solo performance with ‘Myo’ a bio-electrical music instrument with sensors that capture muscle tension. This will be a rare occasion to have such talent on one evening that highlights the work of performers at the cutting edge of art and technology.