Eng’s first video sculptures were related to the change in the learning process with the introduction of digital tools. From 1994-1996 she combined old school furniture with embedded video screens.
Connect/ed. 1995 contrasted the hand graffiti of a wooden desk with the anonymity and sterility of the video screen. The video is of a person’s hands that turn a generic book with blank pages.
Exhibited at Bronx Museum of the Arts and Alternative Museum in 1995.
Script, 1995 was an old wooden chalk board with a video screen embedded in the middle. The video was a mirror reflection of a person writing calligraphy. The hand mirror would flip over and reveal the other reflection of a beach scene.
Remote, 1995 was a television embedded inside of a children’s chalkboard. The chalkboard tray contained both the chalk and the remote control. This was a commentary on misinformation at a distance.