Déchet désirable

The urban landscape is in a constant cycle of construction and demolition. Within this loop one can discover liminal moments of these two poles manifested by gestures of rejection. Mounds of yesterday’s city piled as fragments of manufactured debris. Knots of the undesirable, the démodé, insufficiency, defects ready to be erased. The last seconds of what was and now no longer.

Welcome to the age of over-consumption, of planned- obsolescence where on any given day one can witness this ritual on every other city street. Its prevalence interrupts urban paths becoming a permanent characteristic along with parked vehicles, trees, sidewalks, lamp posts, signage, litter, dog shit and hurried pedestrians.

This is an artistic intervention in urban non-planning. It transforms random trash into more dignified orchestrated punctuations. Passerby’s are its audience. The moment is the duration. Its borders defined by the urban context. Its three dimensions along with derivative residue in the form of photographs and video resist the ephemeral. But the zenith disappears almost as soon as it is recomposed.

Beauty is sought after in disgust. A distaste for excess becomes palpable by quoting the formalism of sculpture, landscape architecture or instinct of patterns found in nature. The tourist gaze is applied to the landscape and the public eye can be reminded of this refresh. That is -every aspect of a viewpoint is unfiltered and inclusive. Because this is what we smell, we feel, we read, we remember, we walk around, we try to ignore, we pretend not to see. The junk. The junk we’ve already forgotten as soon as we’ve replaced it with more junk which in turn becomes someone’s found treasure, momentarily.